Apache AsterixDB supports three languages for writing user-defined functions (UDFs): SQL++, Java and Python A user can encapsulate data processing logic into a UDF and invoke it later repeatedly. For SQL++ functions, a user can refer to SQL++ Functions for their usages. This document will focus on UDFs in languages other than SQL++
The UDF endpoint is not enabled by default until authentication has been configured properly. To enable it, we will need to set the path to the credential file and populate it with our username and password.
The credential file is a simple /etc/passwd style text file with usernames and corresponding bcrypt hashed and salted passwords. You can populate this on your own if you would like, but the asterixhelper utility can write the entries as well. We can invoke asterixhelper like so:
$ bin/asterixhelper -u admin -p admin -cp opt/local/conf add_credential
Then, in your cc.conf, in the [cc] section, add the correct credential.file path
[nc] address = ... ... credential.file = conf/passwd
Now,restart the cluster if it was already started to allow the Cluster Controller to find the new credentials.
To install a UDF package to the cluster, we need to send a Multipart Form-data HTTP request to the /admin/udf endpoint of the CC at the normal API port (19002 by default). The request should use HTTP Basic authentication. This means your credentials will not be obfuscated or encrypted in any way, so submit to this endpoint over localhost or a network where you know your traffic is safe from eavesdropping. Any suitable tool will do, but for the example here I will use curl which is widely available.
For example, to install a library with the following criteria:
we would execute
curl -v -u admin:admin -X POST -F 'data=@./lib.zip' localhost:19002/admin/udf/udfs/testlib
Any response other than 200 indicates an error in deployment.
In the AsterixDB source release, we provide several sample UDFs that you can try out. You need to build the AsterixDB source to get the compiled UDF package. It can be found under the asterixdb-external sub-project. Assuming that these UDFs have been installed into the testlib library inudfs dataverse, here is an example that uses the sample UDF mysum to compute the sum of two input integers.
USE udfs; CREATE FUNCTION mysum(a: int32, b: int32) RETURNS int32 AS "org.apache.asterix.external.library.MySumFactory" AT testlib;
Python UDFs need to be rolled into a shiv package with all their dependencies. By default AsterixDB will use the Python interpreter located at /usr/bin/python3. This can be changed in the cluster config [common] section using the python.path configuration variable.
First, let’s devise a function that we would like to use in AsterixDB, sentiment_mod.py
import os from typing import Tuple class sent_model: def __init__(self): good_words = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'good.txt') with open(good_words) as f: self.whitelist = f.read().splitlines() def sentiment(self, arg: Tuple[str])-> str: words = arg[0].split() for word in words: if word in self.whitelist: return 'great' return 'eh'
Furthermore, let’s assume ‘good.txt’ contains the following entries
spam eggs ham
Now, in the module directory, execute shiv with all the dependencies of the module listed. We don’t actually use scikit-learn here (our method is obviously better!), but it’s just included as an example of a real dependency.
shiv -o lib.pyz --site-packages . scikit-learn
Then, deploy it the same as the Java UDF was, with the library name pylib in udfs dataverse
curl -v -u admin:admin -X POST -F 'data=@./lib.pyz' localhost:19002/admin/udf/udfs/pylib
With the library deployed, we can define a function within it for use. For example, to expose the Python function sentiment in the module sentiment_mod in the class sent_model, the CREATE FUNCTION would be as follows
USE udfs; CREATE FUNCTION sentiment(a) RETURNS TweetType AS "sentiment_mod", "sent_model.sentiment" AT pylib;
By default, AsterixDB will treat all external functions as deterministic. It means the function must return the same result for the same input, irrespective of when or how many times the function is called on that input. This particular function behaves the same on each input, so it satisfies the deterministic property. This enables better optimization of queries including this function. If a function is not deterministic then it should be declared as such by using WITH sub-clause:
USE udfs; CREATE FUNCTION sentiment(a) AS "sentiment_mod", "sent_model.sentiment" AT pylib WITH { "deterministic": false }
With the function now defined, it can then be used as any other scalar SQL++ function would be. For example:
USE udfs; INSERT INTO Tweets([ {"id":1, "msg":"spam is great"}, {"id":2, "msg":"i will not eat green eggs and ham"}, {"id":3, "msg":"bacon is better"} ]); SELECT t.msg as msg, sentiment(t.msg) as sentiment FROM Tweets t;
In Data Ingestion using feeds, we introduced an efficient way for users to get data into AsterixDB. In some use cases, users may want to pre-process the incoming data before storing it into the dataset. To meet this need, AsterixDB allows the user to attach a UDF onto the ingestion pipeline. Following the example in Data Ingestion, here we show an example of how to attach a UDF that extracts the user names mentioned from the incoming Tweet text, storing the processed Tweets into a dataset.
We start by creating the datatype and dataset that will be used for the feed and UDF. One thing to keep in mind is that data flows from the feed to the UDF and then to the dataset. This means that the feed’s datatype should be the same as the input type of the UDF, and the output datatype of the UDF should be the same as the dataset’s datatype. Thus, users should make sure that their datatypes are consistent in the UDF configuration. Users can also take advantage of open datatypes in AsterixDB by creating a minimum description of the data for simplicity. Here we use open datatypes:
USE udfs; CREATE TYPE TweetType IF NOT EXISTS AS OPEN { id: int64 }; CREATE DATASET ProcessedTweets(TweetType) PRIMARY KEY id;
As the TweetType is an open datatype, processed Tweets can be stored into the dataset after they are annotated with an extra attribute. Given the datatype and dataset above, we can create a Twitter Feed with the same datatype. Please refer to section Data Ingestion if you have any trouble in creating feeds.
USE udfs; CREATE FEED TwitterFeed WITH { "adapter-name": "push_twitter", "type-name": "TweetType", "format": "twitter-status", "consumer.key": "************", "consumer.secret": "************", "access.token": "**********", "access.token.secret": "*************" };
Then we define the function we want to apply to the feed
USE udfs; CREATE FUNCTION addMentionedUsers(t: TweetType) AS "org.apache.asterix.external.library.AddMentionedUsersFactory" AT testlib WITH { "resources": { "textFieldName": "text" } };
After creating the feed, we attach the UDF onto the feed pipeline and start the feed with following statements:
USE udfs; CONNECT FEED TwitterFeed TO DATASET ProcessedTweets APPLY FUNCTION addMentionedUsers; START FEED TwitterFeed;
You can check the annotated Tweets by querying the ProcessedTweets dataset:
SELECT * FROM ProcessedTweets LIMIT 10;
First, upload a zip file packaged the same way as a Java UDF, but also containing the adapter you would like to use. Next, issue a CREATE ADAPTER statement referencing the class name. For example:
CREATE ADAPTER TweetAdapter AS "org.apache.asterix.external.library.adapter.TestTypedAdapterFactory" AT testlib;
Then, the adapter can be used like any other adapter in a feed.
CREATE FEED TweetFeed WITH { "adapter-name": "TweetAdapter", "type-name" : "TweetType", "num_output_records": 4 };
If you want to uninstall the UDF library, simply issue a DELETE against the endpoint you POSTed against once all functions declared with the library are removed. First we’ll drop the function we declared earlier:
USE udfs; DROP FUNCTION mysum@2;
Then issue the proper DELETE request
curl -u admin:admin -X DELETE localhost:19002/admin/udf/udfs/testlib
The library will also be dropped if you drop the dataverse entirely.