Table of Contents

Quick Start

The fastest way to get set up with a single-machine sample instance of AsterixDB is to use the included sample helper scripts. To do so, in the extracted asterix-server directory, navigate to opt/local/bin/

$cd asterix-server/
$cd opt/local/bin

This folder should contain 4 scripts, two pairs of .sh and .bat files respectively. will simply start a basic sample cluster using the configuration files located in opt/local/conf/.


INFO: Starting sample cluster...
INFO: Waiting up to 30 seconds for cluster to be available.
INFO: Cluster started and is ACTIVE.

Now, there should be a running AsterixDB cluster on the machine. To go to the Web Interface, visit http://localhost:19001

The AsterixDB Web Interface
Fig. 1: The AsterixDB Web Interface

Starting a small single-machine cluster using NCService

The above cluster was started using a script, but below is a description in detail of how precisely this was achieved. The config files here are analagous to the ones within samples/local/conf.

When running a cluster using the NCService there are 3 different kinds of processes involved:

  • NCDriver, also known as the Node Controller or NC for short. This is the process that does the actual work of queries and data management within the AsterixDB cluster
  • NCService configures and starts the NCDriver process. It is a simple daemon whose only purpose is to wait for the CCDriver process to call upon it to initiate cluster bootup.
  • CCDriver, which is the Cluster Controller process, also known as the CC. This process manages the distribution of tasks to all NCs, as well as providing the parameters of each NC to the NCService upon cluster startup. It also hosts the Web interface and query compiler and optimizer.

The cluster startup follows a particular sequence, which is as follows:

  1. Each host on which an NC is desired and is mentioned in the configuration, the NCService daemon is started first. It will listen and wait for the CC to contact it.
  2. The one host on which the CC is to be placed is started with an appropriate configuration file.
  3. The CC contacts all NCService daemons and the NCService subsequently starts and NCDriver process with the configration supplied by the CC
  4. Each NCDriver then contacts the CC to register itself as started

This process is briefly illustrated in the diagram below:

The AsterixDB Web Interface
Fig. 2: NCService startup sequence

To start a small cluster consisting of 2 NodeControllers (red and blue) and 1 ClusterController (cc) on a single machine only 2 configuration files are required. The first one is



It is a configuration file for the second NCService. This contains only the port that the NCService of the second NodeControllers listens to as it is non-standard. The first NCService does not need a configuration file, as it only uses default parameters. In a distributed environment with 1 NodeController per machine, no NCService needs a configuration file.

The second configuration file is





address =
console.listen.port = 12345

This is the configuration file for the cluster and it contains information that each NCService will use when starting the corresponding NCDriver as well as information for the CCDriver.

To start the cluster simply use the following steps

  1. Change directory into the asterix-server binary folder

    $cd asterix-server/
    $cd samples/local/bin
  2. Start the 2 NCServices for red and blue.

    $bin/asterixncservice -config-file blue.conf > blue-service.log 2>&1 &
    $bin/asterixncservice >red-service.log 2>&1 &
  3. Start the CCDriver.

    $bin/asterixcc -config-file cc.conf > cc.log 2>&1 &

The CCDriver will connect to the NCServices and thus initiate the configuration and the start of the NCDrivers. After running these scripts, jps should show a result similar to this:

13184 NCService
13200 NCDriver
13185 NCService
13186 CCDriver
13533 Jps
13198 NCDriver

The logs for the NCDrivers will be in $BASEDIR/logs.

To stop the cluster again simply run

$ kill `jps | egrep '(CDriver|NCService)' | awk '{print $1}'`

to kill all processes.

Deploying AsterixDB via NCService in a multi-machine setup

Deploying on multiple machines only differs in the configuration file and where each process is actually resident. Take for example a deployment on 3 machines, cacofonix-1,cacofonix-2,and cacofonix-3. cacofonix-1 will be the CC, and cacofonix-2 and cacofonix-3 will be the two NCs, respectively. The configuration would be as follows:





address = cacofonix-1

To deploy, first the asterix-server binary must be present on each machine. Any method to transfer the archive to each machine will work, but here scp will be used for simplicity’s sake.

$for f in {1,2,3}; scp cacofonix-$f:~/; end

Then unzip the binary on each machine. First, start the NCService processes on each of the slave machines. Any way of getting a shell on the machine is fine, be it physical or via ssh.

user@cacofonix-2 12:41:42 ~/asterix-server/
$ bin/asterixncservice > red-service.log 2>&1 &

user@cacofonix-3 12:41:42 ~/asterix-server/
$ bin/asterixncservice > blue-service.log 2>&1 &

Now that each NCService is waiting, the CC can be started.

user@cacofonix-1 12:41:42 ~/asterix-server/
$ bin/asterixcc -config-file cc.conf > cc.log 2>&1 &

The cluster should now be started and the Web UI available on the CC host at the default port.

Available Configuration Parameters

The following parameters are for the master process, under the “[cc]” section.

Section Parameter Meaning Default
cc active.port The listen port of the active server 19003
cc address Default bind address for all services on this cluster controller
cc api.port The listen port of the API server 19002
cc app.class Application CC main class org.apache.asterix.hyracks.bootstrap.CCApplication
cc client.listen.address Sets the IP Address to listen for connections from clients same as address
cc client.listen.port Sets the port to listen for connections from clients 1098
cc cluster.listen.address Sets the IP Address to listen for connections from NCs same as address
cc cluster.listen.port Sets the port to listen for connections from node controllers 1099
cc cluster.public.address Address that NCs should use to contact this CC same as cluster.listen.address
cc cluster.public.port Port that NCs should use to contact this CC same as cluster.listen.port
cc cluster.topology Sets the XML file that defines the cluster topology <undefined>
cc console.listen.address Sets the listen address for the Cluster Controller same as address
cc console.listen.port Sets the http port for the Cluster Controller) 16001
cc cores.multiplier The factor to multiply by the number of cores to determine maximum query concurrent execution level 3
cc heartbeat.max.misses Sets the maximum number of missed heartbeats before a node is marked as dead 5
cc heartbeat.period Sets the time duration between two heartbeats from each node controller in milliseconds 10000
cc job.history.size Limits the number of historical jobs remembered by the system to the specified value 10
cc job.manager.class Specify the implementation class name for the job manager
cc job.queue.capacity The maximum number of jobs to queue before rejecting new jobs 4096
cc job.queue.class Specify the implementation class name for the job queue
cc profile.dump.period Sets the time duration between two profile dumps from each node controller in milliseconds; 0 to disable 0
cc result.sweep.threshold The duration within which an instance of the result cleanup should be invoked in milliseconds 60000
cc result.ttl Limits the amount of time results for asynchronous jobs should be retained by the system in milliseconds 86400000
cc root.dir Sets the root folder used for file operations ${}/asterixdb/ClusterControllerService
cc web.port The listen port of the legacy query interface 19001
cc web.queryinterface.port The listen port of the query web interface 19006

The following parameters for slave processes, under “[nc]” sections.

Section Parameter Meaning Default
nc address Default IP Address to bind listeners on this NC. All services will bind on this address unless a service-specific listen address is supplied.
nc app.class Application NC Main Class org.apache.asterix.hyracks.bootstrap.NCApplication
nc cluster.address Cluster Controller address (required unless specified in config file) <undefined>
nc cluster.connect.retries Number of attempts to contact CC before giving up 5
nc cluster.listen.address IP Address to bind cluster listener on this NC same as address
nc cluster.listen.port IP port to bind cluster listener 0
nc cluster.port Cluster Controller port 1099
nc cluster.public.address Public IP Address to announce cluster listener same as public.address
nc cluster.public.port Public IP port to announce cluster listener same as cluster.listen.port
nc command Command NCService should invoke to start the NCDriver hyracksnc
nc core.dump.dir The directory where node core dumps should be written ${}/asterixdb/coredump
nc data.listen.address IP Address to bind data listener same as address
nc data.listen.port IP port to bind data listener 0
nc data.public.address Public IP Address to announce data listener same as public.address
nc data.public.port Public IP port to announce data listener same as data.listen.port
nc iodevices Comma separated list of IO Device mount points ${}/asterixdb/iodevice
nc jvm.args JVM args to pass to the NCDriver <undefined>
nc messaging.listen.address IP Address to bind messaging listener same as address
nc messaging.listen.port IP port to bind messaging listener 0
nc messaging.public.address Public IP Address to announce messaging listener same as public.address
nc messaging.public.port Public IP port to announce messaging listener same as messaging.listen.port
nc ncservice.address Address the CC should use to contact the NCService associated with this NC same as public.address
nc PID of the NCService which launched this NCDriver -1
nc ncservice.port Port the CC should use to contact the NCService associated with this NC 9090
nc net.buffer.count Number of network buffers per input/output channel 1
nc net.thread.count Number of threads to use for Network I/O 1
nc public.address Default public address that other processes should use to contact this NC. All services will advertise this address unless a service-specific public address is supplied. same as address
nc result.listen.address IP Address to bind dataset result distribution listener same as address
nc result.listen.port IP port to bind dataset result distribution listener 0
nc result.manager.memory Memory usable for result caching at this Node Controller in bytes -1 (-1 B)
nc result.public.address Public IP Address to announce dataset result distribution listener same as public.address
nc result.public.port Public IP port to announce dataset result distribution listener same as result.listen.port
nc result.sweep.threshold The duration within which an instance of the result cleanup should be invoked in milliseconds 60000
nc result.ttl Limits the amount of time results for asynchronous jobs should be retained by the system in milliseconds 86400000
nc storage.buffercache.maxopenfiles The maximum number of open files in the buffer cache 2147483647
nc storage.buffercache.pagesize The page size in bytes for pages in the buffer cache 131072 (128 kB)
nc storage.buffercache.size The size of memory allocated to the disk buffer cache. The value should be a multiple of the buffer cache page size. 1/4 of the JVM allocated memory
nc storage.lsm.bloomfilter.falsepositiverate The maximum acceptable false positive rate for bloom filters associated with LSM indexes 0.01
nc storage.memorycomponent.globalbudget The size of memory allocated to the memory components. The value should be a multiple of the memory component page size 1/4 of the JVM allocated memory
nc storage.memorycomponent.numcomponents The number of memory components to be used per lsm index 2
nc storage.memorycomponent.pagesize The page size in bytes for pages allocated to memory components 131072 (128 kB)
nc storage.metadata.memorycomponent.numpages The number of pages to allocate for a metadata memory component 8
nc txn.log.dir The directory where transaction logs should be stored ${}/asterixdb/txn-log

The following parameters are configured under the “[common]” section.

Section Parameter Meaning Default
common The memory budget (in bytes) for the active runtime 67108864 (64 MB)
common compiler.framesize The page size (in bytes) for computation 32768 (32 kB)
common compiler.groupmemory The memory budget (in bytes) for a group by operator instance in a partition 33554432 (32 MB)
common compiler.joinmemory The memory budget (in bytes) for a join operator instance in a partition 33554432 (32 MB)
common compiler.parallelism The degree of parallelism for query execution. Zero means to use the storage parallelism as the query execution parallelism, while other integer values dictate the number of query execution parallel partitions. The system will fall back to use the number of all available CPU cores in the cluster as the degree of parallelism if the number set by a user is too large or too small 0
common compiler.sortmemory The memory budget (in bytes) for a sort operator instance in a partition 33554432 (32 MB)
common compiler.textsearchmemory The memory budget (in bytes) for an inverted-index-search operator instance in a partition 33554432 (32 MB)
common log.level The logging level for master and slave processes WARNING
common The max pending time (in seconds) for cluster startup. After the threshold, if the cluster still is not up and running, it is considered unavailable 60
common messaging.frame.count Number of reusable frames for NC to NC messaging 512
common messaging.frame.size The frame size to be used for NC to NC messaging 4096 (4 kB)
common metadata.callback.port IP port to bind metadata callback listener (0 = random port) 0
common metadata.listen.port IP port to bind metadata listener (0 = random port) 0
common metadata.node the node which should serve as the metadata node <undefined>
common metadata.registration.timeout.secs how long in seconds to wait for the metadata node to register with the CC 60
common replication.log.batchsize The size in bytes to replicate in each batch 4096 (4 kB)
common replication.log.buffer.numpages The number of log buffer pages 8
common replication.log.buffer.pagesize The size in bytes of each log buffer page 131072 (128 kB)
common replication.max.remote.recovery.attempts The maximum number of times to attempt to recover from a replica on failure before giving up 5
common replication.timeout The time in seconds to timeout when trying to contact a replica, before assuming it is dead 15
common The maximum number of datasets that can be concurrently modified 8
common txn.commitprofiler.enabled Enable output of commit profiler logs false
common txn.commitprofiler.reportinterval Interval (in seconds) to report commit profiler logs 5
common txn.job.recovery.memorysize The memory budget (in bytes) used for recovery 67108864 (64 MB)
common txn.lock.escalationthreshold The maximum number of entity locks to obtain before upgrading to a dataset lock 1000
common txn.lock.shrinktimer The time (in milliseconds) where under utilization of resources will trigger a shrink phase 5000
common txn.lock.timeout.sweepthreshold Interval (in milliseconds) for checking lock timeout 10000
common txn.lock.timeout.waitthreshold Time out (in milliseconds) of waiting for a lock 60000
common txn.log.buffer.numpages The number of pages in the transaction log tail 8
common txn.log.buffer.pagesize The page size (in bytes) for transaction log buffer 4194304 (4MB)
common txn.log.checkpoint.history The number of checkpoints to keep in the transaction log 0
common txn.log.checkpoint.lsnthreshold The checkpoint threshold (in terms of LSNs (log sequence numbers) that have been written to the transaction log, i.e., the length of the transaction log) for transaction logs 67108864 (64 MB)
common txn.log.checkpoint.pollfrequency The frequency (in seconds) the checkpoint thread should check to see if a checkpoint should be written 120
common txn.log.partitionsize The maximum size (in bytes) of each transaction log file 268435456 (256 MB)

For the optional NCService process configuration file, the following parameters, under “[ncservice]” section.

Parameter Meaning Default
address The address the NCService listens on for commands from the CC (all addresses)
port The port for the NCService listens on for commands from the CC 9090
logdir Directory where NCService logs should be written (‘-’ indicates that output should go to stdout) ${app.home}/logs (${user.home} if ‘app.home’ not present in NCService Java system properties.